GuruFocus Change Log



  • Change name '1-Year Revenue Growth Rate', '3-Year Revenue Growth Rate', '5-Year Revenue Growth Rate', '10-Year Revenue Growth Rate' to '1-Year Revenue Growth Rate (Per Share)', '3-Year Revenue Growth Rate (Per Share)', '5-Year Revenue Growth Rate (Per Share)', '10-Year Revenue Growth Rate (Per Share)' in the Old Portfolio Edit View part.


  • Add "EBIT Margin %" in Interactive Chart, Excel Add-in, API and customization in screener and user portfolio.
  • Add "EBIT Margin % (10y High)", "EBIT Margin % (10y Low)", "EBIT Margin % (10y Median)" in Excel Add-in, API and customization in screener and user portfolio.


  • Add "3-Year ROIIC % (10y High)", "3-Year ROIIC % (10y Low)", "3-Year ROIIC % (10y Median)", "Price-to-GF-Value (10y High)", "Price-to-GF-Value (10y Low)", "Price-to-GF-Value (10y Median)" in Excel Add-in, API and customization in screener and user portfolio.
  • Add "3-Year ROIIC %" under "Profitability Rank" in the stock summary page.
  • Add "% Above 10-Year Low Price-to-GF-Value" and "% Below 10-Year High Price-to-GF-Value" under "Price" tab in All-in-One Screener.


  • Switch to using estimated data from Refinitiv to calculate the Forward PE Ratio to improve accuracy and comprehensiveness. In cases where Refinitiv does not provide coverage for certain stocks, we will continue to use data from Morningstar.


  • change names in Screener, Excel Add-in, API, and User Portfolios for easier search functionality
Old NameNew Name
Future 3-5Y EPS without NRI Growth RateFuture 3-5Y EPS without NRI Growth Rate Estimate
Future 3-5Y Total Revenue Growth RateFuture 3-5Y Total Revenue Growth Rate Estimate
Future 3-5Y Book Growth RateFuture 3-5Y Book Growth Rate Estimate
Future 3-5Y Dividend Growth RateFuture 3-5Y Dividend Growth Rate Estimate
Future 3-5Y EPS Growth RateFuture 3-5Y EPS Growth Rate Estimate
Future 3-5Y Gross Margin Growth RateFuture 3-5Y Gross Margin Growth Rate Estimate
Future 3-5Y Net Income Growth RateFuture 3-5Y Net Income Growth Rate Estimate
Future 3-5Y OCF Per Share Growth RateFuture 3-5Y OCF Per Share Growth Rate Estimate
Future 3-5Y Pretax Income Growth RateFuture 3-5Y Pretax Income Growth Rate Estimate
Future 3-5Y ROA Growth RateFuture 3-5Y ROA Growth Rate Estimate
Future 3-5Y ROE Growth RateFuture 3-5Y ROE Growth Rate Estimate
Future 3-5Y Total EBIT Growth RateFuture 3-5Y Total EBIT Growth Rate Estimate
Future 3-5Y Total EBITDA Growth RateFuture 3-5Y Total EBITDA Growth Rate Estimate


  1. For ROE related fields, if the value is 10,000, display "Negative Equity".
  2. For Cash-to-Debt and Interest Coverage related fields, if the value is 10,000, display "No Debt".
  3. For Return-on-Tangible-Equity related fields, if the value is 10,000, display "Negative Tangible Equity".
  4. For PE Ratio and PE without NRI Ratio related fields, if the value is 0, display "At Loss".
  5. For any field with a value of 9,999, display "N/A".


  • Improve All-In-One Screener backtesting, more charts and risk analysis



  • Change name from "Sharpe Ratio" to "1-Year Sharpe Ratio" in Screener, Excel Add-in, API, and User Portfolios. GuruFocus now supports the 1-Year, 3-Year, 5-Year, and 10-Year Sharpe Ratios. To avoid potential confusion regarding the timeframe, GuruFocus has renamed the original "Sharpe Ratio" to the "1-Year Sharpe Ratio".
  • Introducing three new Sharpe Ratios: 3-Year Sharpe Ratio, 5-Year Sharpe Ratio, and 10-Year Sharpe Ratio, now available in the Price tab within the All-in-One screener, Excel add-in, API, and user portfolio.

The Sharpe Ratio measures the risk-adjusted return of an investment over the past specified years. It is calculated as the annualized result of the average monthly excess return divided by its standard deviation over the past specified years. The monthly excess return is the monthly investment return minus the monthly risk-free rate (typically the 10-year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate). If the risk-free rate for a specific region is not available, U.S. data is used by default.

The Sortino Ratio measures the risk-adjusted return of an investment over the past specified years, focusing specifically on downside risk rather than total risk. It is calculated as the annualized result of the average monthly excess return divided by its downside deviation (accounts for negative excess return) over the past specified years. The monthly excess return is the monthly investment return minus the monthly risk-free rate (typically the 10-year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate). If the risk-free rate for a specific region is not available, U.S. data is used by default.


  • Introducing 10 new future growth rate related filters, available in the Growth tab within the All-in-One screener, Excel add-in, API and user portfolio. Here are the fields and their descriptions:
  1. Future 3-5Y Book Growth Rate: The expected book value per share growth rate for the next 3-5 years.
  2. Future 3-5Y EPS Growth Rate: The expected earnings per share growth rate for the next 3-5 years.
  3. Future 3-5Y Gross Margin Growth Rate: The expected gross margin growth rate for the next 3-5 years.
  4. Future 3-5Y Net Income Growth Rate: The expected total net income growth rate for the next 3-5 years.
  5. Future 3-5Y OCF Per Share Growth Rate: The expected operating cash flow per share growth rate for the next 3-5 years.
  6. Future 3-5Y Pretax Income Growth Rate: The expected total pretax income growth rate for the next 3-5 years.
  7. Future 3-5Y ROA Growth Rate: The expected ROA growth rate for the next 3-5 years.
  8. Future 3-5Y ROE Growth Rate: The expected ROE growth rate for the next 3-5 years.
  9. Future 3-5Y Total EBIT Growth Rate: The expected total EBIT growth rate for the next 3-5 years.
  10. Future 3-5Y Total EBITDA Growth Rate: The expected total EBITDA growth rate for the next 3-5 years.

  • Introducing 1 new future growth rate filter, available in the Dividends tab within the All-in-One screener, Excel add-in, API and user portfolio. Here is the field and its description:
  1. Future 3-5Y Dividend Growth Rate: The expected dividends per share growth rate for the next 3-5 years.


  • Added historical TTM data in GURUF() formula on Excel Add-in and Google Sheets Add-on
  • Example: =GURUF("AAPL", "PE Ratio", "2022:", "TTM")



  • Estimates Tab Update: "Operating Cash Flow per Share" will replace the original "Free Cash Flow per Share" field due to an internal data issue.
  • Add new future growth rates in the end of GET /stock/{symbol}/analyst_estimate API


  • Display stock appears in predefined screeners in stock page
  • Support Quarterly data for Historical Filter in All in one Screener
  • Interactive charts added to the dashboard now support technical indicators


  • Improved All-In-One Screener: Enhancing Your Investment Research
  • "Load from Portfolio" filter has been upgraded to "Load from Portfolio, indices, 13F, ETF, Mutual funds". You can use this filter to load the holdings of those and can filter for the intersections or unions. You can also exclude certain portfolios
  • "Index membership" filter has been upgraded so that you can find the intersections or unions of multiple indices"
  • Support backtesting and historical data for Guru tradings, Insider tradings include 13F, ETF, Mutual funds


  • Estimate pages have been upgraded so that you can see the misses and surprises of the earnings and their effects on the stock prices
  • You can see the trend of analysts' estimates for the revenues and earnings etc.


  • Added historical PE/PB ratio data for ETFs in GURUF() formula on Excel add-in.
  • Added Load From Portfolio, index, ETF, 13F etc filter to screener, support Union and Intersection operation.
  • Support Guru Trading and Insider Trading in screener backtesting and historical data.
  • Added Industry data to Interactive chat which included this stock's sector and industry PE, Shiller PE, PS, PB, EV-to-EBITDA, ROE % and Operating Margin % data.



  • "Edit View" chanaged for both user portfolio and screener.


  • Added Filings, Transcripts and News in stock page on mobile app


  • Added template management in DCF Calculator on mobile app


  • Added two filters, Stock Type and Style Box, at the end of the first column of the Fundamental tab in the All-in-One screener, Excel add-in, API, and user portfolio. Their definitions are:
    • Stock Types is designed to group companies according to the underlying fundamentals of their business, including eight stock types: Aggressive Growth, Classic Growth, Cyclicals, Distressed, Hard Asset, High Yield, Slow Growth, Speculative Growth.
    • Style Box is a grid that classifies securities by market capitalization and value-growth scores, providing a graphical representation of the investment style of stocks and portfolios. It is divided into nine categories: Large Value, Large Core, Large Growth, Mid Value, Mid Core, Mid Growth, Small Value, Small Core, Small Growth.
  • Introduced nine new fields in Excel Add-in, API, customization in screener and user portfolio. Here are the fields and their descriptions:
    • Growth Grade: A relative ranking based on a quantitative scoring system that evaluates qualifying companies' revenue per share trend over the past five years, with top performers receiving an "A" and grades ranging down to "F". The proportions of A to F grades are: 10% As, 20% Bs, 40% Cs, 20% Ds, and 10% Fs.
    • Financial Health Grade: A relative ranking based on a quantitative scoring system that evaluates the distance to default of qualifying companies using structural or contingent claim models, with top performers receiving an "A" and grades ranging down to "F". The proportions of A to F grades are: 10% As, 20% Bs, 40% Cs, 20% Ds, and 10% Fs.
    • Profitability Grade: A relative ranking based on a quantitative scoring system that evaluates qualifing companies' return on equity (ROE) over the past five years, taking into account the growth rate, average level, and latest fiscal year ROE, with top performers receiving an "A" and grades ranging down to "F".
    • Style Score: A stock's horizontal placement in the style box based on its value and growth scores, which determine whether it is classified as value, core, or growth: less than 100 is value, 100 to 200 is core, and over 200 is growth.
    • Size Score: A score classifies whether a stock is small cap, mid cap, or large cap based on a flexible three-category system: less than 100 is small cap, 100 to 200 is mid cap, and over 200 is large cap.
    • NACE: A European standard classification of economic activities maintained by Eurostat with a 5-character code format ('00.00'), mandated for use within the European Statistical System and facilitates the collection of statistical data by economic activity.
    • CANNAICS: A 6-digit numerical classification assigned to individual companies, specifically for Canadian classifications, and was developed jointly by the U.S., Canada, and Mexico to provide new comparability in statistics about business activity across North America.


  • Implemented switch to new data vendor Refinitiv for estimate data in Interactive Chart.



  • Introducing the MACD related filters, now available in the third column of the Price tab within the all-in-one screener.

    Here are the filters and their descriptions:

    1) Crossed Above Signal: indicates that the macd line crossed above the signal line at some point in the past week.

    2) Crossed Below Signal: indicates that the macd line crossed below the signal line at some point in the past week.
    3) MACD above Signal: indicates that the current value of MACD line is greater than MACD signal line at present.
    4) MACD above Zero: indicates that the current value of the MACD line is greater than 0 at present.

  • Added "MACD Crossed Above Signal" and "MACD Crossed Below Signal" to Excel Add-in, API, and user portfolio. 
  • Added "MACD Line" to Excel Add-in, API, and customization in screener and user portfolio. Definition: An MACD Line is created by subtracting the 26-period EMA from the 12-period EMA. 
  • Added "MACD Signal Line" to Excel Add-in, API, and customization in screener and user portfolio. Definition: An MACD Signal Line is a nine-day EMA of the MACD line. 


  • Add "GF Value Change %" in Excel Add-in, API and customization in screener and user portfolio. Definition: The percentage change in a company's GF value from the previous month.
  • Add "Forward PEG Ratio" in Excel Add-in, API and customization in screener and user portfolio. Definition: Forward PEG Ratio is calculated as current PE Ratio without NRI divided by the Future 3-5Y EPS without NRI Growth Rate.


  • Change name from "Dividend Start Year" to "No Reduction Dividend Start Year" in Excel Add-in, API, Customized Screener, and User Portfolios to avoid future name confusion. Definition: The starting year for dividends that either remain consistent or increase in the subsequent years.
  • Add "First Dividend Start Year" in Excel Add-in, API, Customized Screener, and User Portfolios. Definition: The starting year for the first dividend payments available on GuruFocus.
  • Add "Years Of Dividend History" filter under the "Dividends" tab of the all-in-one screener. Definition: Number of years since the company's first dividend payment, based on data available on GuruFocus.
  • Add the following future estimate metrics in Excel Add-in (please referring to "Analyst Estimate" section within "GURUF Function Historical Fields" worksheet in "Function References") and API: Net Income with Estimate, Book Value per Share with Estimate, Pretax Income with Estimate, Free Cash Flow per Share with Estimate, ROA with Estimate, ROE with Estimate, Gross Margin with Estimate. Please note that data may not be available for certain stocks or specific metrics.


  • The old user portfolio will be replaced by the new user portfolio on May 31, 2024, for free users. Paid subscribers will still have access to the old user portfolio after this date.


  • Implemented switch to new data vendor Refinitiv for Analyst Estimate data. In cases where the new vendor lacks coverage for certain stocks, data from the previous vendor is used.
  • Added 1/3/5/10-Year "Operating Income Growth Rate (Per Share)" related filters under the "Operating Income Growth Rate (Per Share)" group within the "Growth" tab of the all-in-one screener
  • Added "Analyst Rating" and "Number of Analyst Ratings" filters under the "Analyst Ratings" group within the "Price" tab of the all-in-one screener



  • New GuruFolio PDF is released


  • Added "% Above All-Time Low" and "% Below All-Time High" filters under the "All-Time" group within the "Price" tab of the all-in-one screener


  • Combined the "Total Return" and "Annualized Total Return" filters into a single group called "Total Return" under the "Price" tab within the All-in-One screener.
  • Added "3-Year Annualized Relative to S&P Total Return %", "5-Year Annualized Relative to S&P Total Return %", "10-Year Annualized Relative to S&P Total Return %", "15-Year Annualized Relative to S&P Total Return %", and "20-Year Annualized Relative to S&P Total Return %" filters under the "Relative to S&P Total Return" group within the "Price" tab of the all-in-one screener, Excel Add-in, API, and user portfolios. Definition: Annualized Relative to S&P Total Return is calculated as the annualized total return of the stock minus the annualized total return of the S&P 500 ETF based on the same period.
  • Added "Years of Financial History" filter under the "Fundamental" tab within the All-in-One screener. Definition: Years of Financial History refers to the number of years that a company's financial records span. It is calculated as the difference in years between the current year and the earliest available financial statement year available on GuruFocus.


  • Screener Sort setting: allow adding second sort column


  • Introducing the Price Target related filters, now available in the first column of the Price tab within the all-in-one screener.

    Here are the filters and their descriptions:

    1) Price Target: represents the average of analysts' 12-month future price estimates.

    2) Number of Price Targets: represents the number of target price estimates collected.
    3) Price Target Upside %: indicates the potential upside or downside for the stock. It is calculated as (Price Target - Current Price) / Current Price * 100%.
    4) 1-Month Price Target Trend %: indicates the price target's trend over the past month. It is calculated as (Price Target - Price Target (1-Month Ago)) / Price Target (1-Month Ago) * 100%.
    5) 3-Month Price Target Trend %: indicates the price target's trend over the past 3 months. It is calculated as (Price Target - Price Target (3-Month Ago)) / Price Target (3-Month Ago) * 100%.

  • Added "Price Target", "Number of Price Targets", "Price Target (1-Week Ago)", "Price Target (1-Month Ago)", "Price Target (2-Month Ago)", "Price Target (3-Month Ago)" to Excel Add-in; API and customization in screener and user portfolio. Users can customize in Excel to get "Price Target Upside %" and Price Target Trends-related filters. Please refer to the Excel Add-in reference page.



  • Add "Data page": Check data coverage and recently updated stocks.


  • Add "WACC Calculator": check and customize WACC details of different stocks, show WACC vs ROIC comparison chart.
