Let me explain why global stocks might be about to fall off the cliff.

lc Mar 11, 2024

The retail investment flows running into the market could be looking at problems ahead.

#nvidia and other stocks like #tesla and #amd have been moving like never before.

Guess what- they're also the 3 most popular stocks bought by retail investors!!!!

Looking back at last year- did you know that only 24% of #sp500 stocks outperformed the index!!!

This was the worst performance since 1994!!!

So- if we accept that the speculative money has been driving markets forward rather than the strength of the whole index- what happens when the bigger institutional money takes their profits?

Could it start a cycle of profit taking, and will the speculative money be left 'holding the line'?

I can't say for certain, but it's definitely a risk..

In my eyes, far more risk exists on the downside right now.

The fall could be hard.

J W Mar 12, 2024

Thank you for the insights.